Znth CR is a 100% natural non-toxic, broad-spectrum, immunomodulatory DNA repair mechanism. It is used to treat lung ailments of all varieties. It started in 2006 as a treatment for all lung-related diseases. Since then, it has been repurposed to treat COVID-19. It is immunomodulatory in nature as it strengthens and repairs the lungs’ DNA so that the lungs are strong enough to fight off all illnesses naturally using the body’s own immune systems.
Znth CR is a proprietary blend of 30 mg zinc sulfate and 30 mg of gamma polyglutamic acid (“Gamma PGA”). Zinc is a curative medicine but that alone is not enough. It’s all about the delivery process of the zinc and that’s done with our proprietary blend of gamma PGA.
It is 100% natural and is approved by the FDAs’ as a food supplement and as a medicine used to treat Covid.
It has been used by several hospital chains in the world. It is available in one country as an over-the-counter medicine and in another country as a food supplement, depending on local regulations. And it is available for purchase online and to be shipped to you anywhere in the world.